Episode four, who: Morgan

Morgan came naturally on board: we met totally randomly at the antenatal course for our first borns almost 10 years ago.
When the midwifes in charge of the first meeting asked us to introduce ourselves to the person sitting next to us, Morgan and I had our first chat.
10 years on, I still remember the boots she was wearing on that Wednesday night.
We have now 3 kids each, we have moved cities - for us- and countries - for them- but never lost the bond we built that day and maintain ours and our kids' friendship. And it turns out our other halves get along very well too.
Morgan is French and Australian. She was a dedicated user of the French liniment for her girls, just like me.
There was no better fit.
We are the same but different: where I bring my marketing and business background, she adds the rigour and vision of the experienced and internationally qualified architect that she is.